Uncle John’s Blend™ is a proprietary elixir developed originally in the hills of Humboldt County. Uncle John’s Blend™ is formulated in small batches to ensure quality and freshness. Uncle John’s Blend™ is developed to reduce stress and increase flower and fruit production. When using a high phosphorus bloom formula, a plant’s metabolism is boosted during flowering. Uncle John’s Blend™ helps to alleviate deficiencies that can occur from stress as a result of increased metabolic function. Uncle John’s Blend™ supplies a low molecular weight form of potassium, which is readily available for plant uptake. This low molecular weight potassium acts as the primary electrolyte for energy to enhance photosynthesis and the formation complex aromatic esters and flavonoids. Enhanced production of flavonoids and aromatic compounds (esters) equate to more intense perfume in aromatic flowers, and richer flavors in fruits.
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Place Categories: Cutting Edge Solutions, Cutting Edge Solutions, Nutrient Additives, and Nutrients.

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