Apply VermaPlex® as a drench or spray to your orchards & vineyards, agriculture & turf, gardens & nurseries and enjoy amazing results. For soil and soil-less gardening and needs no aeration!
VermaPlex®: All Natural Organic Specialty Fertilizer:
Derived Entirely from 100% Organic Matter 1st processed by Pure Black Castings™
It provides nutrients to the foliage
Highest Organic Quality Compost Food Chain (No Animal or Food Waste, Yard Clippings or Petroleum)
Sustainable Benefits:
Greatly Reduces Water & Fertilizer Costs – Stabilizes Soil pH
Builds Excellent Root Zone, Drought Resistance & Won’t Burn Plants!
Promotes Vigorous Plant Growth, Flowering, Brix & Abundant Yields
VermaPlex® will not leach or contaminate the water table.
Has 2 Year Shelf Life!!
A Little Goes a Long Way
Are the culmination of over 30 years of Slow Transition from Composting to Vermicomposting
Used with Companion Black Castings™ is a Sustainable Method of Plant Care
Non-Toxic Environmentally Safe for Indoor & Outdoor Use
Children & Pets Can Play After Applications
Developed by Larry Martin world renowned Vermiculturalist, Vermicomposting
Expert: Owner & Founder of Vermitechnology Unlimited™
Applications: (1) dip the roots of all transplants before planting (2) Spray the foliage and the soil surface aroung plants as needed. (3) Spray lawn & shrubs after each cutting (4) Spray foliage of stressed plants as needed.
1) Spray foliage & soil surface around plants: Mix 4 oz. VermaPlex to 1 Gal. of water every 14 days
2) Drench after application of Black Castings: Mix 2 oz. VermaPlex to 1 Gal. of water every 10 days
3) Hydro Applications: Mix 1 Qt. per 100 Gal. tank or 1.5 Qt. per 200 Gal. tank. Repeat every tank change as needed. *Foliar spray: 4 oz. per 1 Gal., (per month) begin @ 6 to 8 in. growth. A) Repeat @ 3rd & 4th leaf B) 20”-24” growth C) Before flowering.
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Place Categories: Organic Nutrients and Sunray's Harvest.

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