Bloom FX is a bloom booster. It is designed to give you larger, fuller and denser flowers. Bloom FX will also increase the potency of your flowers by increasing their essential oils. It stimulates explosive growth and heavier blooms. Bloom FX can be used in both soil and hydroponic systems.
Available in
1 Quart
1 Gallon
2.5 Gallons
5 Gallons
Refer to feeding schedules for amounts and usage.
General Usage:
Hydroponics – Use 15 mL per gallon in your reservoir. Soil/Coco/Other medium – Use 15 mL per gallon everytime you water. Discard any unused mixed nutrients.
Specific Usage:
Hydroponics – Refer to the feeding schedule for week by week amounts to use. Pour directly into your reservoir. Soil/Coco/Other medium – Refer to the feeding schedule for week by week usage amounts. Use it everytime you water. Discard any unused mixed nutrients.
Notes: Never premix with another product, always add directly to the reservoir. Adjust your pH after adding all your products.
It is the moment you have been working for, waiting for, dreaming of
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Place Categories: DL Wholesale N and Nutrients.

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