X Nutrients Micro Nutrients (1 Gallon)

  • Micro_1gal

Micro Nutrients should be used with either Grow or Bloom Nutrients. It provides all the important secondary nutrients necessary for ideal growth. Micro Nutrients are used through all stages of growth and flowering/fruiting.

Available in

1 Quart
1 Gallon
2.5 Gallons
5 Gallons
15 Gallons
55 Gallons
Refer to feeding schedules for amounts and usage.

General Usage:
Hydroponics – Use 15 mL per gallon in your reservoir. Soil/Coco/Other medium – Use 15 mL per gallon everytime you water. Discard any unused mixed nutrients.

Specific Usage:
Hydroponics – Refer to the feeding schedule for week by week amounts to use. Pour directly into your reservoir. Soil/Coco/Other medium – Refer to the feeding schedule for week by week usage amounts. Use it everytime you water. Discard any unused mixed nutrients.

Notes: Never premix with another product, always add directly to the reservoir. Adjust your pH after adding all your products.

We all know plants need light, water, and food to survive. Food, provided through essential elements, is converted into energy by the process of photosynthesis. These essential elements are broken down into macro and micro nutrients. The macro elements are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. The micronutrients are boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. The roles of each of these elements are well known and each has essentially one role or function, while some support multiple facets of the plants nutritional needs.

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Place Categories: DL Wholesale N and Nutrients.Place Tags: DL wholesale.

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