X Nutrients MX Clone Gel

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MX Clone Gel is a breakthrough in rooting technology. It’s a rooting gel that provides the necessary ingredients to generate roots from stem or leaf cuttings. This unique gel seals the cutting and has antibacterial ingredients to prevent bacteria and fungus from entering the cutting. MX Clone Gel is ultra strong and will save you cost in duplicating garden plants. Its unique formulation will work for both softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings. It will promote rapid and healthy growth for all types of plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables.

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Available in

1 Ounce Packet
4 Ounces
8 Ounces

General Usage:
Hydroponics or Soil/Coco/Other medium – Take cutting and dip into MX Clone Gel to the desired rooting depth. Place treated cutting into suitable rooting medium or propagator. Mist cuttings with water once or twice a day.

MX Clone Gel is a breakthrough in rooting technology. Combining antifungal and antibacterial elements with the rooting hormone, Indole butyric acid, MX Clone Gel protects your cuttings by sealing them off from infection while promoting new root development. Indole butyric acid is a common rooting hormone found in many of the brands available at your local hydroponics store. What makes MX Clone Gel different are a number of key factors. First is its strength; MX Clone Gel is nearly twice as strong as the leading competitors gel on the market. Second is the price; not only is it almost twice as strong, but you get more for your money. Finally, our antibacterial and antifungal elements have gardeners singing this gel’s praises. We hear everyday how this product has reduced rooting time, and given gardeners 100% success rates with their cuttings.

Not all plants were created equal. Some plants are started from seed, and some plants are propagated using the cloning technique. Even within cloning there are many techniques used for stimulating roots. Some gardeners prefer rock wool cubes in an enclosed dome, some prefer an aeroponic cloning machine, while some put a cutting in a cup of water on the window sill. There is no wrong way to clone if you can start the rooting process. There are ways to get to the result faster and more effectively however, and MX Clone Gel is one of them. Pretty much all the products at your local store will root your cuttings, you just have to ask yourself how much do you want to spend, and how long do you want to wait. With MX Clone Gel you will save time and money.

MX Clone Gel is effective and efficient. In addition to hearing rave reviews about this product in person and on Facebook, the good news just keeps coming. MX Clone Gel has an alternative application; mix 1tsp of MX Clone Gel with 3gals of water to form a solution that can be used to presoak your cubes or put into an aeroponic cloning machine. This solution will continuously encourage root formation, while protecting your cuttings from possible bacterial and fungal attacks.

For optimal results allow cuttings to sit in MX Clone Gel for 30 seconds prior to inserting in another medium or propagator. MX Clone Gel will work with the most difficult cuttings, including softwood and semi-hardwoods. The gel forms a tight seal around the base of the cutting. Its unique ingredients cause it to cling to the plant providing an extra layer of protection. Unlike powders that will fall off, MX Clone Gel keeps providing that increased protection. The antifungal and antibacterial elements will help prevent any fungus or bacteria that might overtake the cutting. In addition, the cutting doesn’t have to expend valuable energy fighting these pathogens and can concentrate on growing and developing denser roots.

With MX Clone Gel, you will see quick forming roots in short period of time. Encouraging faster rooting growth ensures higher survival rates. The longer a cutting remains without roots, the lower the chance of survival. Not only will you see quick forming roots, but earlier root development means thicker and denser roots. Until roots form, a plant is living off stored nutrients and energy. As soon as those roots develop, the plant can quickly obtain the necessary energy by absorbing water and other nutrients. A quicker forming root system means a bigger plant. A plant’s roots are the basis for its growth; don’t sacrifice that by using inferior rooting products.

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