Sola Cool – Solar Powered Cooling Fan for XT6AC
Let your reflector shoulder some of the workload with the Sola Cool Solar Powered Fan. The easy-to-install Sola Cool kit works with Hydrofarm’s XT6AC reflector, and consists of a solar panel array (56 mini solar panels) and a fan. The unit easily mounts inside the reflector, which positions the fan in the center of one of the flanges. When your bulb turns on, the fan springs to life and propels a cooling breeze through your reflector.
90 cfm fan works in conjunction with any wattage bulb.
Draws hot air away from the bulb
Reduces energy consumption
Silent operation
Easy to install – No hardware needed
Mounts inside the reflector using 4 magnetic nuts (included)
Recommended for single light installations
Reflector and bulb sold separately
Patent pending
Please note that this kit was developed for 600‐1000w lamps. If you are
interested in running a 250 or 400w lamps, you should find other cooling options.
Please read the Sola6 Operation Sheet for more product information.
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Place Categories: Ventilation and Xtrasun.

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