Dyna Gro PH Adjusters
Reduces pH levels.. Easy to use liquid.. Dyna-Gro pH Down is designed for use in hydroponic, soil and soiless...
PH-200: Waterproof pH Meter
Ideal for all pH testing, water purification applications, wastewater regulation, aquaculture, hydroponics, colloidal silver, labs & scientific testing, pools...
Bluelab pH Probe KCI Storage Solution
The perfect solution to store and hydrate your Bluelab pH products. Bluelab knows it is extremely important to care...
BlueLab Calibration Solutions
The Bluelab Calibration Solutions are a very necessary part of a growers toolbox. They are required for the calibration...
Bluelab Combo Meter™
Better crops start with the Bluelab Combo Meter, it’s all you need for simple and reliable crop management and...
Bluelab Truncheon® Nutrient Meter
The world’s favourite nutrient meter! With its super tough, high quality, fully waterproof design, no calibration required, daylight readable...
American Hydroponics pH Mini Doser
Introducing the AutoGrow pH Mini-Doser controller. The pH Mini Doser begins life as a simple and inexpensive nutrient pH...
IntelliDose Nutrient & pH Controller
Take a leap into the future and unleash yourself from your reservoir! The IntelliDose™ autodoser from Autogrow Systems® in...
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