Perpetual Growth Machine
Botanicare’s® Turbogarden provides an effective automated method for delivering optimal levels of water, nutrients, and oxygen to your favorite plants. You’ll get rapid growth rates, higher yields, increased nutritional value, and heightened fragrances and flavors in a 2′ x 3′ space.
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Each system comes equipped with a large reservoir ( 25 gallon) that you fill with your favorite liquid nutrient solution. The nutrient solution is periodically delivered to the top grow tray, via the method of your choice, to water and nourish the plants. After the grow media and roots have been adequately hydrated, any unused solution drains back into the reservoir until the next automated feeding time. To maintain the Turbogarden, simply top off water, add nutrients at one quarter strength, adjust pH to 6.0 and change reservoir every few weeks. Choose your preferred hydroponics method, select your grow media, choose a pot size and style, and Grow Large!
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Drip method for precise watering.
Great for use with Botanicare® soilless grow media.
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Place Categories: Botanicare and Hydro Systems.
rachelle, Oct 25, 2013 - Botanicare Turbogarden Top Feed
definately worth the price, worked better than i thought it was going to. i was surprised out how fast it arrived after i ordered it, if i had to i would purchase another!
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