Ionic Grow 3-1-5 Premium Plant Nutrient

  • IonicGroQTcrop

Specifically formulated for the green vegetative stage of growing plants, Ionic® Grow delivers the essential elements to the roots of a plant in a more precise manner than all previous hydroponic formulations. Ionic® Grow is designed to maximize the potential for vigorous vegetative growth in green plants and during the vegetative cycle of flowering plants.

Ionic® Grow is derived from 100% pure elemental mineral salts including calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, potassium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate.

Ionic® Grow has a highly stable pH due to the unique reactive buffering incorporated into the quality controlled manufacturing process, reducing pH fluctuations in the reservoir.

Ionic® Grow is available in a variety of consumer and farm friendly sizes.

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Place Categories: Hydrodynamics International and Nutrients.

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