Foliar Feeding with Organibliss
By greenbookpages at April 27, 2016 | 5:13 pm | 0 Comment

Foliar Feeding Indoor Plants Foliar feeding is a fancy term that describes applying fertilizer directly to the leaves (think of the word "foliage") of plants, instead of to the soil. Since the 1950s, agricultural scientists have proven that plants are able to directly absorb nutrients through their leaves, often leading to spectacular yields and growth spurts
Fabric vs Plastic Plant Pots
By greenbookpages at October 1, 2015 | 6:07 pm | 0 Comment

Every gardening season, you look for new ways to improve upon last year's display and yield. One easy adjustment to start making this year is to consider switching to fabric pots, instead of only using plastic pots. Pull out one of your plants that is currently in a plastic pot. See how it is root bound? Roots actually seek oxygen, just as much as they seek water. Most
Easy Freeze Your Veggies
By GrowGuide at September 12, 2014 | 9:42 pm | 0 Comment

Whether you planned ahead and planted extra crops so you’d have garden veggies all winter, or accidentally planted too much and can’t seem to give enough of your surplus away, here’s a simple guide to freezing your garden goodies. Set your freezer to the coldest setting you can without overloading it. The quicker they freeze, the less damage is done. Choose
Keep Bugs Out Of Your Home This Winter, Naturally
By GrowGuide at September 2, 2014 | 7:10 pm | 0 Comment

Fall and winter are right around the corner. That means holidays, the changing of the leaves, hanging out with family by the fire, and snow days depending on where you live. Unfortunately the cold weather also means that pests and bugs are looking for warm, dry places to live, and your house probably seems perfectly cozy. Ants often start invading homes after the first
What You Thought You Knew About CO2
By GrowGuide at August 28, 2014 | 7:44 pm | 2 Comments

By now, most people have an opinion about global warming and climate change. Greenhouse gasses, CO2, and pollutants are being released by the general populous through the burning of fossil fuels and certain chemicals, into the atmosphere. Because of this, the general climate of the planet is changing, and not in a good way. But before you start worrying too much about
No Space, No Problem
By GrowGuide at August 19, 2014 | 6:28 pm | 0 Comment

Having a green thumb doesn't always mean you have the space to exercise it. Apartments and smaller houses with no yards, or bad lighting can mean real problems trying to grow your own food. But Nomad, a refreshingly simple planter is up for the 2014 James Dyson Award, and looking to help out cramped gardeners everywhere. Created by The Garden Apartment, a
Gardening To Protect And Conserve
By GrowGuide at August 8, 2014 | 7:31 pm | 0 Comment

Chances are over the last few years you've heard about Honey Bees vanishing all over the globe, or something about CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder). Though we can still only speculate what causes CCD or the disappearances of the bees, it is thought to be the cause of the loss of about half our US honey bee hives, which is up from about 30% from 2010. Other countries are
Edyn- Introducing The SmartGarden
By GrowGuide at August 7, 2014 | 7:20 pm | 0 Comment

Earlier this July, a new gadget hit kickstarter and was met with overwhelming success. The Edyn Project reached their goal of 100,000 in 3 days and more than tripled that by the time the campaign was over. Edyn mixes modern Smartphone technology, environmental sensors, and horticulture expertise so complete that can only come from the internet, to bring you the perfect,
Quick Guide To Starting A Fall Garden
By GrowGuide at July 15, 2014 | 7:33 pm | 0 Comment

Even in July, it’s not too late to start a garden that will provide you with fresh produce well into the fall. Here’s a quick guide on what to plant so you can enjoy a fresh from the garden Thanksgiving meal. Make sure to stagger your planting so you get small amounts of food over time instead of one large amount. Generally two harvested plants is enough for one
Fresh With Edge
By GrowGuide at June 24, 2014 | 5:09 pm | 0 Comment

Recently, hydroponic farms and gardens have been cropping up all over the US. People nationwide are becoming more aware of the foods that they eat and are now asking “What is this and where did it come from?” Most of us are not happy with the answer. Whether it’s the pesticides in your food and air, or the estimated 70% of processed foods that contain GMOs, it’s
Get Your Kids Excited About Gardening
By GrowGuide at June 10, 2014 | 6:57 pm | 0 Comment

At home or in the classroom, hydroponic gardening projects provide an exciting way to teach children some basic scientific principles and plant growing techniques. There are so many ways to design a hydroponic gardening project, and the kids will be amazed to learn that they can grow plants without soil. Everyone can benefit from learning how to grow food even when
5 Cheap Ways To Water Your Garden
By GrowGuide at June 6, 2014 | 6:36 pm | 0 Comment

Freshwater is not a necessity for irrigation. You might want to consider recycling water for watering your garden. Depending upon where you live, there are many ways for taking care of your garden's water needs without drilling a well or paying exorbitant water bills. Ponds and Lakes Ponds and lakes are ideal sources of irrigation water. Whether created by nature or
What is an Arctic Harvester?
By GrowGuide at May 30, 2014 | 7:08 pm | 0 Comment

Though considered the third largest country in North America, more than 80% of Greenland remains buried under ice. With temperatures averaging 18 to 45 degrees F (-8 to 7 degrees C), the possibility for agricultural industries do not exist. However, a group of innovative designers entered an award-winning concept in the 2013 Jacques Rougerie Foundation International
Guerrilla Gardening
By GrowGuide at May 29, 2014 | 8:06 pm | 0 Comment

Guerrilla gardening happens when an individual or a group use a space that they don't own, and create a garden. Usually a guerrilla gardener uses a property that has been abandoned or seems to be neglected, and grows plants for consumption or to add beauty to the neighborhood. History of Guerrilla Gardening The word guerrilla gardening was introduced in 1973, in
The Volksgarden by Omega Gardens
By GrowGuide at May 29, 2014 | 8:00 pm | 0 Comment

Many people enjoy growing their own plants from seedlings at home. Often times this can be difficult, though, if you do not have the right amount of light or containers to begin the seedlings. An easy way to start plants from seedlings at home is to purchase a Volksgarden. What is a volksgarden? The term 'volksgarden' is probably new, and you have no idea what it
Smarter Gardening with Hydroponics
By GrowGuide at May 27, 2014 | 6:18 pm | 0 Comment

For the average farmer in the United States, starting a small-scale farm complete with tools and equipment costs between $50,000 to $80,000, with upkeep costs of as much as half of that number every year. By the end of the year, he or she will likely make back a significant portion of that investment... that is, assuming that weather, soil conditions, and shipping costs
New Trends In Hydroponic Gardening
By GrowGuide at May 27, 2014 | 6:10 pm | 0 Comment

Plants can provide both decorative and practical benefits to homes, workplaces, and elsewhere. The problem is that not every location is accommodating to them. This is where hydroponics comes in. This technology gets around the normal requirement for soil by relying on nutrient solution instead. While this has been available for decades, something new comes along now and
15 Story “Living Wall”: The Currents
By GrowGuide at May 20, 2014 | 4:49 pm | 0 Comment

Green Over Grey's newest project, "The Currents," is conceptualized as a verdant wave that rises fifteen stories high along the interior wall of an office building. The piece was created for the Canadian financial services company, Desjardins Group, headquartered in Lévis and is literally a 2,139-square-foot hydroponic garden that begins in the buildings lobby and
Hydroponic Rooftop Gardens
By GrowGuide at May 20, 2014 | 4:41 pm | 0 Comment

Hydroponic gardening is gaining massive popularity not only in the backyards of avid gardeners but also along the rooftops of buildings in bustling cities. Hydroponics offers a way to grow plants in soil-free nutrient solutions and in a controlled environment that utilizes less space than traditional gardening. Because there are no specialized skills needed, it is an
Bell, Book & Candle’s Sky High Farming
By GrowGuide at May 8, 2014 | 4:41 pm | 0 Comment

Chef John Mooney was on a mission. As an eco-conscious restauranteur, Chef Mooney believed in the importance of locally sourced food. He wanted to reduce the journey of his restaurant's produce from hundreds, even thousands of miles to just a few feet. To do this, his built his own personal farm six stories in the air. Bell, Book & Candle's hydroponic garden
Earthships: A Home And A Garden Under One Roof
By GrowGuide at May 8, 2014 | 4:33 pm | 0 Comment

Imagine a house that is constructed of ecologically friendly materials, provides enough water for the needs of a small family regardless of the climate, maintains a comfortable temperature in any season, and has the capacity to grow sufficient food (and even fish) for its inhabitants. This amazing structure is appropriately known as an Earthship. It’s basically built
Sustainable Agriculture and Research Center at Walt Disney World
By GrowGuide at May 1, 2014 | 5:23 pm | 0 Comment

Walt Disney World has a wonderful array of green sustainable agriculture. Priding themselves on creating the “visions of the future," EPCOT (One of Disney's main parks) is home to a large research facility that conducts experiments in agricultural technology. With their desire to create high-yielding indoor farming options, Disney has pioneered a new world of
Hydroponic Gardens: Space and Placement
By GrowGuide at May 1, 2014 | 5:11 pm | 1 Comments

Indoor Hydroponic Gardens Indoor hydroponic gardens are a great way to grow your own organic produce without using much space. The cylindrical grow systems have dozens of patents and are dedicated to revolutionizing the way the world grows their food supply. If you have eight feet of indoor space to spare, you can grow up to eighty plants using a relatively small
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